React Graphs SVG
Line Chart
Chart with a polyline and marked points
102030405060708090100Jan 23Feb 23Mar 23Apr 23May 23Jun 23
Bar Chart
Chart with vertical column bars
102030405060708090100Jan 23Feb 23Mar 23Apr 23May 23Jun 23Jul 23Aug 23Sep 23Oct 23Nov 23Dec 23
Stacked Bar Chart
Chart with vertical column stacks
Customized Bar Chart
Showcasing the custom styling capabilities
1020304050607080100Jan 23Mar 23May 23Jul 23Sep 23Nov 23ABCD
Sample Code for Line Chart
Shows a chart with Months on X-axis and Numbers on Y-Axis
Chart Axis data
const xaxis =  [
  { value: 1672531200000, text: 'Jan 23' }, 
  { value: 1675209600000, text: 'Feb 23' }, 
  // ...
  { value: 1701388800000, text: 'Dec 23' }];
const yaxis =  [ 10, 20, /* ...*/ 100 ]
const axis = [xaxis, yaxis];
Chart Dataset
const data = [
  [{ value: 1672531200000, text: 'Jan 23' }, 12], 
  [{ value: 1675209600000, text: 'Feb 23' }, 15], 
  // ...
  [{ value: 1701388800000, text: 'Dec 23' }, 55]];
Line Chart
import { LineChart } from 'react-graphs-svg'

const size = [200, 100];
const margins = { margin: [10, 10], startOffset: [5, 5] };
<LineChart axis={axis} size={size} data={data} margins={margins}>
API reference
Data type for Axis, Dataset and Chart props
type XY<X = number, Y = X> = [x: X, y: Y];
type Data = number | { value: number; text: string; };

type BaseChartProps = {
  className?: string;
  children?: ReactNode;
  axis: XY<Data[]>;
  size: XY;
  margins: Margins;
Line Chart Props
type LineChartProps = BaseChartProps & {
Bar Chart Props
type BarChartProps = BaseChartProps & {
Stacked Bar Chart Props
type StackedBarChartProps = BaseChartProps & {
  data: XY<Data, Data[]>[]
  seriesNames: string[];